As The World Turns Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on ATWT in 2008

As The World Turns summaries from 2008
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January 7 to 11, 2008
Sofie had a hard time staying away from Hallie. Paul's happiness about becoming a father was cut short when he and Craig endangered Meg and the baby. Lily was angered by Bonnie spending time with Holden and the children. Noah was invited to live at the farm. Dusty said he had proof that somebody intentionally caused Bob's coma. Parker stole money from Metro. Katie went on a date, but could not stop thinking about Jack and Brad.
January 14 to 18, 2008
After losing the baby, Meg decided she wanted Craig and Paul out of her life for good. Paul asked Rosanna for a divorce. Rosanna later became ill. Will did not like the idea of Sofie babysitting Hallie. Carly discovered that Parker stole the money and framed Sam. Lily asked Dusty to resume their relationship, but he refused, citing Holden as the reason. Lily purchased drugs, and found out that Emily used to be a prostitute. Lily slipped Chris a note telling him about Emily's past. Emily thought the note came from Dusty. When Emily confronted Dusty, he brought up their recent night together. Chris overheard and was not pleased. Lily was admitted to the hospital for an overdose. Holden found Lily in the stairwell with a syringe. Chris was in a bar drinking and fuming about Dusty. Emily told her mother, "It's all over." Dusty was later found dead.
January 21 to 25, 2008
Lily's memories of the night of the Memo 21 event were unclear. Holden told her to speak with him before she told Jack anything. Holden took Lily home to take care of her. Bonnie realized that Holden and Lily would likely get back together. Holden hid the syringe he had found in Lily's possession. Margo questioned Chris with his lawyer, Tom, present. Margo revealed that Chris was a person of interest in Dusty's death. Chris persuaded Emily not to reveal his hatred for Dusty; if she did he would tell Tom that she used to be a prostitute. Roseanna's attempt to reconcile her marriage failed miserably. Roseanna's nephew, Parker, was not faring much better. He began to hang out with bad influences. He continued to lie to his parents about his activities. When he finally began to tell the truth about Sam, nobody believed him. Barbara's doctor wanted her to undergo chemotherapy, but first Barbara needed to prepare Dusty's funeral service. Gwen and Will went with Barbara to the service to offer their support. After the funeral, Gwen and Will found Sofie with Hallie. Will decided they needed to restrict Sofie's visits with Hallie. After Emily learned Lily told Chris about her past, she became extremely remorseful about the way she treated Dusty. Emily spoke aloud and apologized to Dusty at the church. Susan overhead and feared her daughter might be in trouble. Susan told Margo that Holden was near an empty drug cart the night of Dusty's death, and Susan felt Holden had been acting strangely. Margo received a search warrant for the Snyder farm. The police found the syringe that Holden had hidden. When it was discovered that the syringe had traces of the drug that killed Dusty, Holden was arrested.
January 28 to February 1, 2008
The Hughes family had a lot to celebrate. Bob awoke from his coma, and Casey returned from prison. Casey was unsure of what he would do with his life after his release from prison. He was relieved when his grandmother, Lisa, offered him a job. He looked longingly at a tip jar, and it appeared he might betray Lisa's trust. Will and Gwen set down guidelines for Sofie. Sofie decided to sneak into their house while they were out. Barbara would not allow Sofie to see Hallie. When Barbara fell asleep on the couch, Sofie sneaked in and took Hallie. Lily told Holden that they should prove that Emily had killed Dusty. Emily was surprised by Dusty's will. Dusty gave Alison college tuition and Emily the newspaper, the Intruder. Paul was happy that Rosanna had taken responsibility for her crimes. However, his glee was short-lived. Meg told Paul she did not want him in her life. Then, Paul learned that Rosanna had slipped back into a coma. Paul realized he always seemed to destroy the people he loved. Kit returned from jail and decided to live with Sam at Metro. Carly tried to fire Sam, because Parker's behavior and attitude towards Sam continued to worsen. However, Kit would not let Carly fire Sam. Parker was furious with his mother because he thought she had lied to him. Brad tried to woo Katie and asked her to marry him. Katie turned down Brad's proposal and left the diner.
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February 4 to 8, 2008
Sofie kidnapped Hallie. Gwen and Will frantically searched for their daughter, without any success. Aaron found Sofie in New York, but she gave him the slip. Sofie phoned Chris Hughes when Hallie became ill. Chris convinced Sofie to take Hallie to the hospital. Sofie took Hallie to Oakdale Memorial, and she was arrested for kidnapping. Luke and Noah were desperate for some alone time. Luke wanted his first time with Noah to be special. Holden and Lucinda tried to convince Lily to leave town so she could get away from all the family's troubles. Lily refused. Lily received a call from the lab tech. The tech wanted to give Lily news about Dusty, but Lily and Holden found the lab tech dead in his car. Chris and Emily continued to point fingers at one another about Dusty's murder. Paul convinced Meg to give Lucinda back her company. It was revealed that Lucinda brought Evan to Oakdale. Lucinda told Evan their plan was over. Evan was furious that Lucinda had gone back on their deal. He admitted that he had killed Dusty. Evan held Lily and Lucinda hostage for ten million dollars. Before he could escape with Lucinda, Lily attacked him and a syringe was plunged into his body. Evan died at the scene. Holden and Lily decided not to give up on their marriage. Sam placed Cowboy Jack in Carly's fireplace, in an attempt to frame Parker. Carly and Jack did not believe Park's story about Sam trying to frame him. Carly decided to give up Metro, for the sake of her son. Sam was angered by Carly's decision. Sam tried to force himself on Carly. Somebody intervened and shot Sam.
February 11 to 15, 2008
Gwen and Will asked the DA to go easy on Sofie. They told Sofie she needed a lawyer. Sofie said she found a lawyer that would help her to get her baby back. Chris testified that Sofie was incapable of making rational decisions at the time of the adoption. Bonnie, who represented the Munsons, decided to ask Aaron to testify on their behalf. Despite Vienna's protests, Henry continued to gamble. He owed Gray more than he had to give. Henry offered Gray the diner as payment, but Gray wanted Vienna instead. Parker shot Sam, who later died. Parker faced possible charges as an adult. Margo discovered that Sam was shot twice, not once. Carly insisted that Parker only fired one shot. Carly got into a shouting match with Katie, which interrupted Parker's meeting with the court-appointed therapist. Casey stole money from the Lakeview. Margo invited Casey's friend, Matt, to live with them. Bonnie saved a naked and drunk Brad from being arrested. Katie seemed a bit jealous of the new friendship developing between Bonnie and Brad. Lucinda, Emily, and Paul sent Craig on a wild goose chase looking for his children. Paul became the new CEO of Worldwide.
February 18 to 22, 2008
Aaron testified on Will and Gwen's behalf. The judge decided to take more time before rendering a decision. Sofie felt betrayed by Aaron's testimony. Much to Emily's dismay, Sofie and Chris seemed to be getting close. Paul was taken to Memorial after his care exploded. Margo was suspicious of Craig. Craig called Margo to see if Paul had died. Craig was upset that Paul was still alive. Craig told his sister, Margo, she would not be able to find him. Barbara decided Paul's condition was more important than her own. Will comforted his mother and told her everything would be fine. Noah received a letter from his father. Luke encouraged Noah to forgive his father. A young lady, Ameera, from Iraq, introduced herself to Noah and Luke. She knew Noah's father, and he had been very good to her and her mother. Since Ameera had nowhere to go, Luke decided to ask if she could stay at the farm. Holden decided he wanted his marriage to work. Lily was not comfortable being intimate. The two decided to work on putting their family back together. Vienna learned of Gray's indecent proposal. Henry refused to let Gray sleep with Vienna. Vienna was desperate to get the diner back, but decided she wanted Henry more than the diner. It became harder for Katie to hide her feelings about Brad. Margo encouraged Katie to date Brad, but Katie refused. Katie told Brad she would not date Jack's brother. Henry decided to spend some time with Bonnie. Katie looked on as Brad and Bonnie became friendly with one another.
February 25 to 29, 2008
Luke, Noah, and Ameera decided to visit Colonel Mayer. They had mechanical problems with the truck. Lily and Holden became worried about Luke and his friends. Two men stopped alongside Luke, Noah, and Ameera. The men attacked Luke and Noah, and attempted to abduct Ameera. Lily and Holden arrived in time to help their son and his friends. Henry's attempt to seduce Kit into confessing backfired when Vienna arrived. Vienna thought Henry was having an affair and gambling. Vienna sought comfort in the arms of Gray. Will and Gwen were awarded custody of Hallie. Barbara began her radiation treatment. Barbara and Will were angered by Paul's new friendship with Sofie. Katie could no longer contain her physical attraction for Brad. Carly told Kit that she had proof that Kit killed Sam. Kit did not seem to buy Carly's antics. Katie went to Carly's house to get a book for Parker. Katie was hit from behind and knocked to the floor. Brad advised Gray to leave his friends, Henry and Vienna, alone. Gray told his hired hand, Matt, to take care of Brad. Brad was hit from behind and fell to the floor.
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MARCH 2008
March 3 to 7, 2008
Kit wanted to hurt Carly but mistakenly attacked Katie. Brad was attacked by Matt. Katie and Brad shared a room because the other rooms were full. Kit lured Carly to Chicago in hopes of getting rid of Carly. However, her attempts were unsuccessful. Kit continued to stalk Carly after Carly returned to Oakdale. Ameera, Luke, and Noah went dancing. Ameera danced with Casey. As Casey and Ameera talked, two men approached them. Casey hit one of them and was arrested for hitting a federal officer. Matt called Gray, and Gray got the charges against Casey dropped. Alison was tired of Matt's secrets. Alison told Tom and Margo that Matt had been in jail with Casey. Casey decided it was time for Matt to leave his family's house. The government wanted to question Ameera. Ameera was going to be deported. With Luke's half-hearted blessing, Noah proposed to Ameera. Paul went home and was cared for by Sofie. Paul thought it would be a good idea for Sofie to see her baby. Will was angry and warned his brother not to interfere. Gwen seemed to have second thoughts about keeping Hallie. However, Will was sure that he and Gwen were the best parents for Hallie. Henry was out of money and had no place to live. Katie asked her best friend, Henry, to move in with her and he accepted. Bonnie decided she did not want to see Brad-unless he wanted a real date.
March 10 to 14, 2008
Behind Will's back and against his wishes, Gwen returned Hallie to Sofie. Hallie became ill and needed a blood transfusion. Sofie left a message for Cole and asked Gwen for help. Gwen was able to donate blood for Hallie. To everyone's surprise, Cole arrived at the hospital. Luke was Noah's best man as he married Ameera. Paul tried to convince Matt to be his friend. Emily drugged Chris and he was suspended from the hospital. Gray had Henry kidnapped. Katie and Brad searched for Henry and ran into Carly and Jack. Carly and Jack were searching for Kit. Kit knocked Katie unconscious and shot Jack. Carly retrieved Jack's gun and shot and killed Kit. Jack was rushed to the hospital, where he recovered. After Henry was rescued, he wanted Gray to be arrested. However, somebody else confessed to the crime. Alison and Casey were convinced that Matt was involved with Gray, and they set out to prove just that.
March 17 to 21, 2008
Cole kidnapped Hallie, only to be caught by Gwen and Will; he threw Hallie at them and escaped. Barbara told Kim she had oral cancer. Matt came clean with Alison about working for Gray, and told her to warn the Hughes family that Gray was out to get them. Casey discovered Gray was actually Gerald Nevins, the brother of the man who raped Margo several years earlier. Vienna broke things off with Gray; he tricked her and locked her and Henry inside a church. Gray doused the church with gasoline, then left, telling Matt to set it on fire. Matt called Margo, and Gray shot Matt for betraying him. Margo and Tom freed Henry and Vienna. Brad drank a bottle of champagne intended for Henry and Vienna; it was poisoned, and Brad was rushed to the hospital, where Katie kept vigil by his bedside. Carly found evidence against Kit and went looking for more in Chicago. There, she found a homeless woman who said she knew Kit but didn't want to get involved. Later, the woman gave Carly a receipt from Kit's coat that proved Kit had been at a liquor store in Oakdale the night Sam was killed. Holden and his family were able to get Ameera's visa extended because she had married Noah, although the immigration officer warned them to expect follow-up visits to confirm that it was a valid marriage.
March 24 to 28, 2008
Jack developed septic shock and became delusional at the hospital, thinking he and Katie were happily married. Bob told Chris the hospital board had reinstated him. Sofie decided to give Hallie back to Will and Gwen to raise, and they decided to move away from Oakdale. Barbara told Will and Gwen about her cancer and later told Paul, too. Aaron returned to Oakdale. Gray Girard (Gerald Nevins) captured Matt, Casey, Alison, and Margo at the Hugheses' home, where he activated a suitcase bomb; the bomb malfunctioned, and no one was hurt. Later, Gray returned to the house, where Alison saw him pointing a gun at Margo. Alison knocked Margo out of the way, and Margo shot and killed Gray. Vienna was briefly detained by the FBI, who let her go when they found information on Gray's Swiss bank accounts. Vienna and Henry were given back the deed to the diner. Many of Parker's family and friends came to court to support him at his trial. Jack and Carly tracked down the homeless woman in Chicago and were able to convince her to accompany them back to Oakdale, where she took the stand to testify that Kit had told her she herself had shot and killed Sam. The judge then found Parker to be innocent of the charge of murder. Meg received divorce papers from Craig.
March 31 to April 4, 2008
The immigration officer discovered Noah and Ameera weren't sharing a room at the Snyder farm; later, he saw Ameera with Casey, and Luke pretended Casey was his boyfriend. Sofie offered to help Barbara through her medical treatments so that Will and Gwen wouldn't feel guilty about leaving Oakdale. Chris and Alison grew closer. Jack told Katie that things were over between them. Jack and Carly kissed. Brad and Katie spent the night together. Brad proposed to Katie. After hearing Jack's reaction to the proposal, Katie decided to tell Brad that she would marry him. Emma decided to sell most of the farm acreage, and Paul, as CEO of Worldwide, offered to buy it at Lucinda and Meg's suggestion. Another company then outbid Worldwide; Mike Kasnoff returned to town as the company's representative for the deal. Lily suggested Paul and Mike form a partnership to buy and develop the farm acreage. Margo showed signs of stress as a result of her ordeal with Gerald Nevins. Gwen and Will said goodbye to their family and friends. Gwen suggested Noah and Ameera could become the new tenants at Lucinda's cottage. Barbara's condition worsened and she had surgery to remove her tumor. Carly and Jack decided to try to become friends, in an effort to not repeat their past mistakes.
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APRIL 2008
April 7 to 11, 2008
Barbara's surgery was successful. Margo planned a small engagement party for Brad and Katie that was attended only by Jack and Carly. Emily tried to convince Alison to stay away from Chris. Alison gave Chris a copy of one of her porno movies and explained her past to him; he told her he still wanted to see her. Mike visited with Carly. Paul and Meg attended a zoning commission meeting about the plans to develop Emma's farm acreage; when Mike arrived at the last minute, he was able to get the commission's approval. Mike met with Katie and discussed how their relationship had ended; Brad interrupted and announced that he and Katie were getting married the next day. Mike could see tension between Brad and Katie and decided that perhaps he had a chance with Katie after all. Lily received a box of pictures and other mementos Dusty had kept that documented their past relationship. After a visit from an immigration official, Noah and Ameera decided it would be best if they slept in the same bed. Luke came up with the idea of making a movie for school as a way for him and Noah to spend more time together. Carly and Jack made love, but in the morning, Jack regretted it, which infuriated Carly. Carly told Jack he'd gotten his wish: she was done with him.
April 14 to 18, 2008
Lily and Lucinda went to the cemetery to oversee the placement of Dusty's headstone. Lily discarded the box of mementos Dusty had left for her, save for two items, a cassette tape and a sweater, which she stashed in Emma's kitchen. Holden offered support and understanding to Carly, who felt that things were finally over between her and Jack. Chris and Alison's friendship continued to blossom. Paul's grand romantic gesture intended for Meg fell into the wrong hands when Mike and Meg took off in the hot air balloon Paul had hired. Ameera showed her attraction to Noah by kissing him, upsetting Luke and causing Casey to back out of the foursome's elaborate charade. Mike tried everything, including a passionate kiss, to persuade Katie not to marry Brad until things between them had been resolved, but he was unsuccessful. Despite many glitches and oddities, including fits of hiccups and fainting, a minister paralyzed with stage fright, an abundance of best men (Jack and Mike), and a matron of honor (Margo) who arrived quite late and reluctantly to the wedding party, Brad and Katie were ultimately married during a live segment of "Oakdale Now," with Henry officiating.
April 21 to 25, 2008
Meg told Paul to get lost when he couldn't control his jealousy of Mike. Aaron and Sofie broke up because Sofie was spending time with Paul. Barbara told Sofie it was time to start her new career designing jewelry. Carly told Jack to move out. After Holden found Dusty's things, he told Lily something needed to change; Lily decided to go visit Iva, to try to get control of her life. Holden and Carly comforted each other about their marital situations and became better friends. Parker hurt his arm while skateboarding, and Jack was angry when he found out before Carly could tell him. Emily gave Casey a job as her administrative assistant, which became dangerous when a judge about whom Emily had written a negative story came to the office, intent on revenge. Margo was very angry about Casey's new job, and Emily fired Casey to keep the peace. Alison got into nursing school. Brad and Katie had their first fight but kissed and made up. A teenage girl told Brad that she was his daughter. Noah and Luke got a birthday present for Ameera and managed to find a moment to kiss. Ameera tried to seduce Noah, and when that failed, she wanted to return to Iraq. Luke and Noah convinced her to stay, and Luke decided it might be best if he moved in with them.
April 28 to May 2, 2008
A teenager named Liberty arrived in Oakdale claiming that Brad was her father; Brad ordered a paternity test, and Liberty decided to stay in Oakdale until the results were in. Brad and Katie agreed they would get through the unexpected challenge together. Parker soon found out Liberty was a very good liar. Luke briefly moved in with Noah and Ameera but left when he realized he and Noah could never really be alone there. Paul began therapy to try to win Meg back, but when Meg found out, she firmly told him not to count on them ever being together again. Distraught, Paul began drinking heavily and ended up in Sofie's arms; Meg found the two of them becoming passionate on the sofa at Fairwinds. Paul followed Meg to Mike's room at the Lakeview to try to explain and had to be forcibly removed from the premises. Paul was arrested for disturbing the peace, and Sofie bailed him out, while Meg turned to Mike for support. Chris and Alison's relationship continued to progress, and they had dinner with Kim and Bob. Carly and Holden's friendship continued to grow as they talked more about their family problems and came to each other's aid. Carly made plans to reopen Metro. Lily told Lucinda she was coming home but changed her mind at the last minute, leaving Faith and Natalie disappointed and hurt.
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MAY 2008
May 5 to 9, 2008
Liberty's DNA test proved she was Brad's daughter. Her mother, Janet, arrived in Oakdale and began flirting with Brad, while Liberty continued skipping school and hanging around with Parker. Casey investigated the theft of rare manuscripts from the university but ended up being accused by Margo of having stolen them himself. Casey and Emily later caught the real thief, Elwood, red-handed, and Margo apologized for having doubted her son. At Emily's urging, Casey ultimately forgave his mother. Chris and Alison went on a dinner date, with Alison in full pursuit of Chris, but Alison found herself unable to make love. Noah's father summoned Ameera to a meeting at the prison, but Noah went instead and told Colonel Mayer that he and Ameera were married. The colonel warned Noah not to mess things up for him; later, Ameera called Colonel Mayer and assured him he could still trust her. Meg had the charges against Paul dropped but kept the restraining order in place. Sofie tried again to seduce Paul, and Barbara tried to keep her busy and away from Paul by helping her start her jewelry design business. Metro's reopening was a success, and Holden was proud of Carly's accomplishment. Lily returned to Oakdale and tried to return everything to normal, but Holden disappointed her by not wanting to sleep with her yet. Lily enlisted Carly's help in trying to lure Holden back to the bedroom.
May 12 to 16, 2008
Luke and Noah fought about Ameera and her relationship with Noah's father, but soon made up. Brad and Katie sent Liberty's mother, Janet, packing, but she soon returned, claiming to miss Liberty. Lily's plan to seduce Holden with a quiet evening at home alone worked out well for her, and Holden and Lily made love, but when Holden figured out it had been an elaborate setup, their relationship took several steps backwards. Carly's role in Lily's plan caused both Jack and Holden to be disappointed in her. Emily went to New York for a sales meeting, and Casey followed; there, the two acted on their physical attraction to one another, but when they returned to Oakdale, Emily said it could never happen again. Aaron took an exhausted and stressed out Alison for a motorcycle ride, but the couple fell asleep in the country after their ride, and Alison slept through her nursing exam. Chris convinced the nursing instructor to let Alison take a makeup exam, which she passed, but some of her classmates voiced their disapproval of the apparent favoritism. Paul impressed Meg with his ability to smooth things over with a disgruntled neighbor when construction on the Snyder property caused problems for the neighbor. Sofie continued her pursuit of Paul, despite Barbara's attempts to discourage her.
May 19 to 23, 2008
Colonel Mayer escaped from prison and took Ameera to New York City. Noah and Luke tried to follow Ameera's trail, believing she had been kidnapped by Noah's father. Colonel Mayer had a secret arrangement with Agent Coyle from the State Department. Lily and Holden's marriage got rockier as Lily made a scene at Faith's school dance. Following Carly's advice, Lily decided to make her own destiny and told Holden she was moving back home and taking the children with her, if they agreed to go. Katie bought a house for her and Brad to live in, with a room set aside for Liberty. Liberty decided to move in with Brad and Katie rather than stay with her mother after Janet slapped her for kissing a boy at the dance. Janet got a job as a waitress at Al's Diner so she could stay in town without sponging off of Brad. Alison continued to act jumpy around Chris, who thought she had a problem. Casey and Emily had sex again but were nearly caught by Tom, so Emily told Casey they had to stop fooling around together. Barbara went through a bad patch and asked Meg to be her private nurse. Paul became a backer for Sofie's business.
May 26 to 30, 2008
Casey told Emily he had stolen money from the Lakeview and wanted to repay it; Emily loaned him money to do so but told him he would have to come clean with Lisa. Casey confessed to Lisa, who told Tom and Margo. Margo demanded Casey return to college to get back on the right path, and Casey agreed. Parker had a movie date that went badly, and Liberty decided to teach him how to kiss. Janet had a bad encounter with a date. Carly and Holden spent more time together and appeared attracted to one another. Alison continued to be unable to be intimate with Chris, which left Chris angry and resentful. Bob gave Meg her nursing job back. Sofie fantasized about Paul and went to Fairwinds to seduce him. When Paul walked out after insisting he was in love with Meg, Sofie went crazy, destroying Paul's living room and cutting herself in the process. Meg found Sofie bleeding, but left after Sofie insisted she and Paul were in love. Meg found Paul, and together, they confronted Sofie, who ran away. Mike ran into Sofie, who told him she had been raped. Meg told Paul she still loved him. In New York, Noah's father told him he was taking Ameera away. Luke found Ameera and asked the police to help her. Colonel Mayer told Noah and Luke to bring Ameera to the pier at noon the next day, or both Noah and Luke would die.
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JUNE 2008
June 2 to 6, 2008
After failing in her attempts to seduce Paul again, Sofie accused him of raping her and used the panties she'd been wearing the night they'd had sex as evidence of the "crime." Meg and Barbara stood by Paul in the face of the false accusations, while Mike offered Sofie his support. Cole paid Sofie an unexpected visit. Bonnie agreed to help Henry and Vienna get financial compensation from the estate of Grey Gerard. Janet stayed home from work, nursing a black eye she'd gotten when she fell while fighting with Bud, her date from the diner. Brad found out about the black eye and warned Bud to stay away from Janet, then later found Bud shoving Janet down on her bed. Brad punched Bud, who called the police and filed an assault report, which he later dropped after Katie paid him off. Alison realized Chris was behind her dismissal from the nursing program and her reassignment from patient care to administrative duties, and she decided to pursue charges of sexual harassment against both him and the hospital. Noah's dad told him he was taking Ameera back to Iraq because a political group was very interested in her return, but Luke and Lucinda, along with the authorities, managed to stop the colonel's boat before he could get away. Colonel Mayer jumped overboard to evade capture, while the authorities took Ameera into custody despite Noah's protests. Noah became angry with Luke for his role in Ameera's plight.
June 9 to 13, 2008
To avoid Bud, Janet moved in with Brad and Liberty while Katie was out of town. Katie returned home and was upset to discover what Janet had been up to. JJ developed a severe case of strep throat, and Jack stayed home to care for him while Carly took Sage to summer camp. Janet made chicken soup for JJ and tidied up the house for Jack. Holden, Faith, and Natalie drove Carly and Sage to camp, where Carly and Holden participated in parental activities and spent the night together (in bunk beds). On their way home, Holden gave into his attraction to Carly and moved to kiss her. Parker took a summer job in Oakdale as a tennis camp counselor, but after Liberty rejected him, he regretted his decision. Cole arrived in town and counseled Sofie to make Paul pay financially for what he'd done rather than risk a trial, because Sofie had things to hide in her own past. Sofie and Cole made love. Meg tried to scare Sofie off after finding out Sofie had a history of lying, but Sofie turned to Paul, who felt sorry for her and gave her a $100,000 check in hopes they could start over. Noah told Luke he needed a break from their relationship. Bonnie agreed to represent Alison in her sexual harassment lawsuit against Chris, and the Hughes and Stewart families prepared to do battle. Despite that fact, Emily and Casey agreed to secretly continue to be lovers.
June 16 to 20, 2008
Noah continued to push Luke away, even moving out of the cottage and back to the dorms. Ameera was released from custody and told Noah their marriage would be annulled and that she was moving to California. Sofie dropped the rape charges against Paul and used part of the money he'd given her to pay Cole to steal morphine from the hospital. She then switched the stronger dose of morphine with the dose Meg had for Barbara's pain, so that when Meg gave Barbara a shot, it nearly killed her. Tensions continued to mount between the Stewart and Hughes families and friends as the battle between Chris and Alison got nastier. Casey chose to help Emily and Alison prepare for the lawsuit against Chris. Henry received a generous settlement from Gray Gerard's estate and tried to buy half of Metro. Holden took Lily out for a date and ended up sleeping with her. The next day, Holden suggested they go away together somewhere, and Lily suggested Carly's cabin in Montana. Carly tried to get Holden to talk about their kiss, so they could clear the air between them. They almost kissed again before being interrupted by Lily, so Holden decided to postpone his trip with Lily. Janet and Jack enjoyed a fun evening at Yo's, which made Brad jealous.
June 23 to 27, 2008
Paul proposed to Meg, who agreed to marry him. Sofie told Paul she was pregnant with his child and took a pregnancy test to prove it. Luke and Noah bonded over their biological fathers' shortcomings, but Noah still wanted time apart from Luke. Chris lied on the witness stand about his role in Alison's dismissal from the nursing program. Alison lost her lawsuit when the judge determined that even though Chris had inappropriately interfered in Alison's nursing studies, Alison's grades had been the primary reason she'd been dropped from the program. Holden and Carly inadvertently wound up at the girls' summer camp at the same time; caught by a bad storm, they were forced to spend the night together in a cabin at the camp, where they ended up making love. When Faith came to the cabin afterward, Carly realized how wrong their actions had been. Janet confessed her feelings to Brad, who firmly told her she had no future with him. Jack and Janet's friendship continued to grow. Parker kissed Liberty.
June 30 to July 4, 2008
Lily and Holden made love, and Lily convinced Holden to move back home. Carly took Mike to a barbecue at Lily and Holden's, which made Holden jealous. A sonogram showed that Sofie's baby couldn't be Paul's; Sofie paid Cole to find a sonogram that showed an older fetus. Cole realized Sofie was pregnant with his child, not Paul's, and continued to press her for more money. Lisa overheard Barbara threatening Sofie. Sofie told Mike about her pregnancy, and Mike passed the news along to Meg. Meg confronted Sofie, who showed her the sonogram as proof she was telling the truth. Paul found Sofie lying on the floor of her hotel room, nearly unconscious; he asked who had done it to her, and Sofie said, "Meg." Sofie lost consciousness, and Paul checked for a pulse and decided she was dead. Desperate to protect Meg, Paul got rid of the evidence, including Sofie's body, and found an empty syringe under the bed. Paul buried Sofie in the garden at Fairwinds. Tom and Margo celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. An inebriated Chris confessed to Kim that he had lied during Alison's court hearing. Chris found Alison and told her he was going to resign from the hospital. Emily told Casey about her past as a prostitute, but Casey said he loved her, anyway. Cyndi Lauper performed at a gay benefit, where Noah told Luke that Luke was the only one he wanted to be with, and they kissed. Noah then dropped the bombshell that he had enlisted in the Army and was leaving the next day.
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JULY 2008
July 7 to 11, 2008
Noah decided not to enlist in the Army. Liberty told Brad that Janet and Jack were sleeping together. Brad told Janet she was setting a bad example for Liberty and suggested she leave town, saying he would no longer pay for her room at the Lakeview. Jack invited Janet to move to the farm. The owner of the company developing the Snyder farm, Neal Stokes, arrived in Oakdale and immediately made a play for Carly, even inviting Carly to go to Paris with him, much to Holden's dismay. Mike asked Jack to investigate Sofie's disappearance and said he thought Sofie had been buried at Fairwinds. Meg and Paul were married in the garden at Fairwinds. Jack asked Paul if he could look around the grounds at Fairwinds. Paul refused, and while Jack was trying to get a search warrant, Paul dug up Sofie's body. Jack and Mike arrived, and Jack arrested Paul after seeing Sofie's body in the trunk of Paul's car. Meg asked Barbara if she had killed Sofie, but Barbara said no. Margo found a scantily clad Emily in her house and held a gun on her until Tom arrived and calmed her down. In the hysteria that followed, Margo revealed Emily's past as a hooker. Tom told Emily she would never see Daniel again. Casey left to be with Emily, but when Emily told him to go home, he merely went home and packed a bag.
July 14 to 18, 2008
Chris resigned from the hospital. Alison was reinstated in the nursing program. Noah moved back to the Snyder farm. Luke received part of his Grimaldi inheritance and decided to start a charity for sick children, with Lucinda's help. Rick Decker returned to Oakdale as an incarcerated forensics specialist hired to review Sofie Duran's death. Decker determined the syringe used to kill Sofie had come from the hospital, and the drug had been administered by a medical professional. Barbara suspected Meg might actually be guilty. Sofie's obstetrician met with Paul and Meg at the hospital and told them Sofie's sonogram had been switched with another patient's and that Sofie had only been about four weeks pregnant. Cole got into Barbara's suite and told her he had watched her inject Sofie with the morphine that killed her, claiming Barbara had been doped up herself when it happened. Emily convinced Casey to tell his parents he was over her in an attempt to get Tom to give up his custodial suit over Daniel. Holden followed Carly to New York and slept with her again, then went home and confessed his affair to Lily. Carly returned to Oakdale determined to end her affair with Holden. An enraged Lily tried to run Carly over but swerved at the last minute and ended up in the hospital. Jack and Luke found out about Holden and Carly's affair. Liberty and Parker's relationship became known to Brad and Janet, and neither was pleased.
July 21 to 25, 2008
Rick Decker returned to prison. Alison received a bracelet, apparently from her father. Soon after putting it on, Alison began acting ill and ill-tempered. Cole kidnapped Barbara in an attempt to extort money from her, and revealed he was Sofie's murderer. Paul and Meg found Barbara and took her to the hospital. Cole went to the hospital to steal drugs; when he was almost caught by Meg, he shot her. Mike and the police caught Cole outside the hospital. Paul found Meg bleeding on the hospital floor; she underwent surgery. Emma returned to Oakdale only to learn that Meg had married Paul and had been shot, and Holden had been having an affair. She vowed never to leave Oakdale again. Paul arranged an in-hospital wedding so that Emma could be a witness. Barbara gave Meg a necklace she said she had brought from Gwen and Will. Meg collapsed during the wedding ceremony when she saw a vision of Sofie standing outside her hospital room. Chris received a package containing a watch, which he assumed was a gift from Kim. Casey sided with Emily, causing Tom to decide to drop his custody case against her. Janet took Liberty to the gynecologist for a checkup and birth control, but also gave her a lecture about being too young for sex. Despite the lecture, Liberty and Parker made love, both for the first time. Lily told Holden she wanted a divorce.
July 28 to August 1, 2008
Meg had ghostly visions of Sofie, culminating in Sofie telling Meg to kill Paul. Emily received two bottles of perfume as a gift and gave one to her mother because it was Susan's favorite. Emily acted oddly each time she used her perfume. Emily proposed to Casey; they left town and were married by a justice of the peace. Chris became ill while wearing his new watch, and Bob ordered lab work on Chris, which revealed that an unknown compound was in his blood. Alison acted erratically while wearing her bracelet, ultimately walking into the Snyder pond fully clothed; Chris pulled her out and revived her. Vienna discovered Henry had been lying about selling his share of Metro. Henry proposed to Vienna, but she told Henry she was leaving him, to try to find herself again. Brad walked in on Liberty and Parker making out, condom in hand, and went ballistic; he hired a bodyguard to watch Liberty. Carly was stunned and upset when Jack told her about Parker and Liberty's relationship. Holden went with Lily to pick up their girls from camp, where they ran into Carly, who was picking up Sage. Lily found out Carly and Holden had actually had sex at the camp and had almost been discovered by Faith. Lily left Holden to find his own way home from camp. Later, Faith overheard her mother shouting at Holden about having had sex with Carly; Luke comforted Faith and assured her they'd get through it.
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August 4 to 8, 2008
With Vienna gone, Henry invited Bonnie to work with him at Metro. Brad took Liberty to a cabin at the lake, where he taught her how to fish and how to drive a car. Despite her anger at her father, Liberty ended up enjoying their time together. Parker proclaimed his love for Liberty, but Liberty did not reciprocate. Lily considered forgiving Holden and trying to put their marriage back together until she found Holden and Carly in an embrace at the farm and mistook it for more than it was. Emily was upset when she realized she had actually married Casey, and she told him they had to undo it. Emily collapsed while talking to Margo and was hospitalized and put in the same room as Alison. After Casey came to visit Emily, he, too, became ill and was hospitalized with Chris. Meg's hallucinations of Sofie led her to try to kill Paul, who had her hospitalized. Chris put the pieces together and realized he and the others had been poisoned through pieces of jewelry or perfume they'd received as gifts. Dr. Rick Decker called Barbara and told her that he could help with the problems her family was having-if she would pay for his services. Barbara realized Decker was behind the poisonings. Barbara and Paul convinced Margo to help them bring the imprisoned Decker to Oakdale, where he told Barbara and Paul that he had the antidote for the toxin and would give it to them if they helped him escape.
August 11 to 15, 2008
Casey, Chris, Meg, Emily, Alison, and Susan all fell prey to Rick Decker and his poison. Decker shot Aaron when he tried to play the hero. Chris developed an antidote to the poison. Decker took Alison hostage and tried to escape, but Chris tackled him and saved Alison. Aaron told Alison he still loved her. Tom's stent dislodged during the tumultuous events at the hospital, but it was replaced surgically, and he returned home. Emily and Casey signed paperwork to annul their marriage but pledged to continue their relationship. Carly told Holden she couldn't go on seeing him. Lily made love with Mike and later told Holden about it. Holden signed the separation papers and gave them to Lily. Neal returned to town, but Carly told him she didn't see a future with him. Mike told Neal there were toxins in the soil at the Snyder farm, and Neal told the Snyders his company was pulling out of the project. With Barbara's help, Paul secured financing so that the project could continue. J.J. returned home from summer camp. Parker returned from tennis camp and snuck over to Liberty's, but Liberty ratted him out to Brad. Jack took Parker's keys and cell phone and told him he couldn't go anywhere without reporting to his parents. Dani Andropoulos returned to town.
August 18 to 22, 2008
Chris returned to work at Oakdale Memorial. The farm development project needed a huge influx of cash because of soil contamination problems, and Paul secured the extra money from a loan shark, Derek Coburn, who gave him 30 days to pay it back. Meg discovered she was pregnant. Derek overheard Bonnie telling Henry that Paul's development deal had run into more money-draining problems and that Paul was running out of cash. Derek made a thinly veiled threat to Paul, warning him not to do anything that might upset Meg while she was pregnant. Brian Wheatley was hired to run Luke's new foundation, but he got on Luke's bad side when he cautioned him against flaunting his relationship with Noah in public. Dani Andropolous got a job compiling crime statistics for Oakdale, despite Margo's objections. Katie's plan to discourage Parker by inventing a new romantic interest for Liberty backfired when the new boy became overly aggressive with Liberty, but Parker saw what was happening and stopped the boy by hitting him. After hearing some insightful words from their daughter Faith, Holden and Lily managed to make a truce.
August 25 to 29, 2008
Alison seemed bothered by Dani's flirtations with Chris. When Aaron proposed, Alison accepted and suggested they have the wedding the next week. Lily told Carly to help herself to Holden. Holden was disturbed by Mike's relationship with Lily and his presence in their children's lives. Liberty accepted a gift of brownies from Leo, unaware that they were laced with marijuana. High from the brownies, Liberty came on to Parker but blew him off when he didn't respond immediately. After Parker left, Leo tried to force himself on Liberty. When Brad and Katie found her in the woods with her clothing torn and a bruise on her head, Liberty was unable to remember what had happened except that she had been with Parker. Brad rushed to Carly's and accused Parker of rape. Jack was able to clear Parker's name when he found the remnants of the laced brownies, and Liberty finally recalled exactly what had happened. Brad went after Leo and threw him in the reservoir to teach him a lesson, but grew concerned when Leo didn't come up for air. Paul came clean to Barbara about his dealings with a loan shark, but when Barbara tried to get cash to help Paul pay back the money he had borrowed, she discovered it had been withdrawn. James Stenbeck made contact with Paul and told him he could help him get Barbara's money back. James encamped in Paul's wine cellar.
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September 1 to 5, 2008
Derek threatened Barbara. Barbara encountered James at Fairwinds. Paul was forced to accept James's help in finding the money to repay Derek. James gave Paul a map of the farm and said he had money buried there, which led Paul to suspect that James was behind the soil contamination problem. Brad confessed to Katie that he threw Leo into the reservoir. Katie told Jack, but Janet begged Jack not to turn Brad in to the police. Leo awoke from his coma and summoned Brad to the hospital, where he apologized to Brad for having gone after Liberty. Leo had no memory of how he had gotten hurt at the reservoir, so Brad and Katie convinced Jack to keep quiet about it. Carly suspected what was going on, but Jack asked her to leave the issue alone. Holden walked in on Mike and Lily, who were half-naked after a joint shower. Holden turned to Carly for comfort, but Carly didn't want to be used to soothe Holden's hurt feelings. Henry convinced Vienna to let him rehire Bonnie to work at Metro. Brian took Lucinda, Luke, and Noah on a mushroom hunt in the woods; there, Noah told Luke he had decided to go to Rome for a college film school program.
September 8 to 12, 2008
When Henry tried to help Paul with Derek, he ended up a prisoner in the wine cellar at Fairwinds, courtesy of James. Vienna enlisted Bonnie's help in trying to find Henry, but Derek locked the women in a warehouse. Chris and Alison gave in to their attraction and made love. Alison denied the liaison's deeper meaning and married Aaron anyway. Dani, who had seen Alison leaving Chris's hotel room, told Casey, but Casey convinced her not to tell Aaron. After Aaron and Alison's wedding, Lily and Holden shared a tender moment and a kiss, as did Carly and Jack. Later, Lily met Mike for a tryst at the Lakeview, after leaving Holden a message asking him to watch the kids. Holden didn't get the message. While the kids were on their own, young Ethan wandered off to the construction site, where he became fascinated by the deep hole Paul had dug. Brad convinced Jack to destroy new evidence in the Leo Morrissey case; Janet helped by hiding the evidence for Jack. Later, Brad convinced Janet that they should burn the evidence. Carly realized what was happening and convinced Jack that helping Brad by acting illegally was going to kill Jack. When Jack learned that Brad and Janet had burned the evidence, he became furious and went to the police station to confess to Margo.
September 15 to 19, 2008
Jack resigned from the police force. James told Derek to release Henry, and Derek took Henry to the warehouse where Vienna and Bonnie were, but left Henry to devise a way to rescue them. Henry used an improvised explosive device to blast open the doors, but was hurt in the process. James had Derek throw Paul into the reservoir with a cinderblock tied to his feet, but Paul managed to survive. Paul told Meg the truth about the loan shark and the money problems but didn't tell her James was involved. Ethan fell down the hole that Paul had dug at the construction site, and was trapped for more than 24 hours as Mike and the rescue squad tried to find a safe way to rescue him. Feeling guilty about the accident, Paul lowered himself into the hole and found Ethan. The rescuers got Ethan out, but before they could rescue Paul, part of the walls of the hole caved in, making it impossible to proceed. James showed himself to Meg and told her if she wanted Paul to live, she would have to sign papers giving James control of her unborn child. Derek got into the hole via a tunnel James had dug previously, giving Paul a way out. More dirt rained down as the hole continued to implode, but Paul escaped and returned to Fairwinds, where he discovered both James and Meg were missing.
September 22 to 26, 2008
Alison kissed Chris again; feeling guilty, she told Aaron it was time to start a family. Casey wanted to make a baby with Emily, but Emily thought that was a terrible idea. Paul hired Jack to help him find Meg. Carly helped by drawing the beach house Paul had seen in a vision he had of Meg. Bonnie agreed to represent Derek when Paul asked her to, in the hope it would help them locate Meg. Bonnie got Vienna and Henry to agree not to press charges against Derek, and he was released from custody. James found Derek, had him beaten by a thug who worked for him, and locked him in the wine cellar at Fairwinds. At the beach house in Maine where she was being held prisoner, Meg found Dusty Donovan, alive but caged by James. Dusty explained he had faked his own death in order to look for Johnny without Craig knowing, but James had found Dusty instead. Meg broke the lock on the cage, and she and Dusty found a rowboat on the beach. Lily and Holden bonded after Ethan's return home from the hospital, and they made love. Holden recommitted himself to working on their marriage and gave Carly the news, while Lily told Mike, and then warned Carly to stay away from her family. Katie fought with Brad after Brad tried to buy Jack's forgiveness; Katie ended up on a drinking trip to Chicago with Mike.
September 29 to October 3, 2008
Brad went to Chicago to tell Katie he had confessed to assaulting Leo. He found Katie in a hotel room with Mike, but she convinced Brad that nothing had happened. Dallas persuaded Leo's parents to drop the charges against Brad. Jack set off to find Meg, following a false lead. Carly went after him and saved Jack's life when someone tried to drown him. Jack told Carly they belonged together and should stop fighting it, but Carly told Jack she wasn't what he needed anymore. Paul found Meg with Dusty at the lighthouse on Faro Island. James arrived, and while Dusty struggled with James, Paul's gun went off, wounding Dusty. James fell to the beach, surviving long enough to taunt Paul a final time. Paul had visions of James after his death and was put in the psychiatric ward back in Oakdale. Holden saw Dusty when he went to bring Meg home, but agreed to keep Dusty's "resurrection" quiet. Emily had a tubal ligation, against Casey's wishes, and Casey broke up with her. Alison found out she had pelvic inflammatory disease and would probably not be able to get pregnant. Chris told Alison he was leaving for Africa and asked her to go with him. She said no, and when Chris saw Aaron, he told Aaron that he had slept with Alison the day before her wedding to Aaron. Aaron confronted Alison, who admitted it. Mike left Oakdale for a job in Europe. Noah returned from Italy. Worldwide agreed to sell Emma's land back to her for one dollar so it could be developed into a nature preserve and public park. At a benefit for the project, Dusty revealed himself to Lily and the other guests.
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October 6 to 10, 2008
Spencer McKay joined WOAK as co-host, with Brad, of "Oakdale 411," an informational show; she and Brad did an exposé on a toy factory and agreed they made a great team. Vienna cautioned Katie about letting Spencer get too close to Brad. Lily and Holden found out that Lucinda had helped Dusty after he faked his own death. Lily was so angry, she forbid her mother from seeing her children anymore. Chris left for Africa, to work with the Global Health Association again. Emily and Dusty reconnected and made love. Dusty and Paul were both invited to view James's videotaped will, in which James left all his money to Dusty, as the "true" Stenbeck heir. Meg convinced Dusty to use some of his new inheritance to pay back Paul's debts to Worldwide. Paul pretended to be okay with that when he found out about it, but he hired a woman with a young son to impersonate Lucy and Johnny. With Emily's help, Dusty figured out what Paul was doing and blasted him for it. Aaron decided to try to work things out with Alison, but Alison told him she wasn't the right person for him.
October 13 to 17, 2008
Margo figured out Lucinda had helped Dusty after he faked his death; she had Lucinda arrested but later let both Dusty and Lucinda go. Luke found out Kevin was running for student council. Because the gay film festival needed council support, Luke decided to run against Kevin. Katie got sick after eating food Spencer brought to her and decided Spencer had poisoned her. Vienna and Henry broke into Spencer's hotel room looking for clues and found a locked suitcase, but weren't able to open it because Spencer returned. Carly and Jack's chemistry continued to get in the way of their plans to lead separate lives, and they were about to make love when Janet arrived. Later, Jack confessed to Janet about his close encounter with Carly. An upset Janet was mugged while on her way to make a bank deposit for the diner. Jack caught the mugger and was warned by Dallas to stop being a vigilante. Janet and Jack reconciled. Paul and Emily joined forces to try to keep Dusty away from Meg. Paul decided to sell his shares of Worldwide to Lucinda, but she didn't want them. Lucinda went to Dusty, who used an offshore company to buy the Worldwide shares for himself. When Emily clued Paul in, Paul was furious. Chris left Oakdale to work in Africa.
October 20 to 24, 2008
Paul hired Derek to plant drugs on Dusty. Derek told Meg of Paul's plans. Meg told Paul he needed psychiatric help. Meg moved back to the farm. Margo asked Jack to rejoin the police force, and this time, Jack accepted. Jack wanted to move in with Janet, but Janet said she was holding out for more. Jack tried to propose to Janet in the middle of Old Town, but Carly appeared before he could pop the question. Jack rented a room at the Lakeview and prepared a more private proposal, but Janet came down with stress-related hives. Janet didn't want Jack to see her covered in hives, so she asked him if they could postpone their date. Carly showed up at the hotel room and offered to help Jack with his marriage proposal by remembering all the times he had proposed to her. The reminiscing made Jack sad, and he told Carly that although he would always love her, he could never live with her again. Jack went to Brad and Katie's house and proposed to Janet, and she accepted. Henry and Vienna broke into Spencer's hotel room again and unlocked her suitcase, finding piles of money. Katie asked Dani to check into it, thinking Dani was a cop. Spencer brought her suitcase to WOAK and showed Brad and Katie that it was full of play money, but Henry and Vienna told Katie the money they had seen was real. Kim decided to put "Oakdale Now" on hiatus for a few weeks. Luke decided to run for student council against Kevin. Aaron told Alison he had filed for divorce.
October 27 to 31, 2008
Dusty hired Derek to be Meg's bodyguard. Paul thought about trying to kill Dusty, but was dissuaded by Emily and by a psychic named Madame Penelope, who warned him not to do what he planned to do. Paul decided to seek psychiatric help to try to win Meg back. Henry remained suspicious about Spencer, which led to another rift between Katie and Brad, who didn't believe Katie when she said she had nothing to do with Henry's actions. Brian and Lucinda kissed and planned a rendezvous in his hotel room, but it was interrupted by an urgent call from Susan, who told Lucinda that her breast cancer had returned. Luke and Kevin's student council campaigns turned ugly, with Kevin's campaign manager posting gay-bashing videos of Luke on the Internet and then kidnapped Alison after finding out she was spying for Luke. Casey found the boys who tormented Alison and punched one of them, which led to his arrest. Alison and Margo managed to convince Alison's attacker not to press charges against Casey, thus sparing him from having his parole revoked. Sage and Parker didn't take the news of Jack's engagement to Janet very well. Together, they managed to set up Janet to look like she was still interested in an old boyfriend, but Carly figured out what had happened, as did Liberty. Carly suggested that Jack postpone the wedding to give the kids more time to adjust. Madame Penelope told Dusty she'd had a vision of a woman with Jennifer's initials and red hair at a hospital in Ohio, and Dusty flew there and located the woman, Josie Driver, who resembled Jennifer.
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November 3 to 7, 2008
Dusty brought Josie Driver back to Oakdale with him from Ohio after paying her hospital bill. Katie overheard Spencer telling a Fashions saleswoman that she needed sexy lingerie to seduce a man in Chicago. In Chicago, Spencer stripped to her lingerie and tried to seduce Brad, who told her he wasn't interested. Spencer went back to WOAK and told Kim that Brad had tried to get her to sleep with him. Brad went to confront Spencer about her lies and accidentally tore her dress when she tried to push him out of her hotel room. Kim fired Brad. Spencer called Brad and said she was sorry she'd made up such a story, and she wanted to meet him at the Lakeview. When Brad arrived, Spencer wasn't there; he went to her room, where he found her lying dead on her bed, apparently strangled. Margo charged Brad with Spencer's murder based on the circumstantial evidence. Katie received a note with an email address from someone who claimed they could help Brad. Afterwards, Spencer's body disappeared from the morgue, and all the other evidence disappeared from the police station. Margo was forced to drop the charges against Brad. Paul and Emily grieved at the grave of their baby, Jennifer, and Emily let Meg know that Paul was trying to change. Casey helped Luke win his student government election by stuffing the ballot box; Noah was disgusted by this strategy and Luke's acceptance of it. Lucinda was told her breast cancer had returned, and she confided in Brian, who told her he would stand by her through her coming fight.
November 10 to 14, 2008
Josie met Barbara, who was upset with Dusty for using Josie to invoke the memory of Jennifer. Later, Josie came to Barbara's aid when some of the clothes for Barbara's trunk show needed alterations. Barbara gained a new perspective on Josie and agreed to let Josie work for her. Dusty and Josie kissed. Meg was pleased with the way Paul was handling himself, and the insights he was gaining into his life, and she spent the night with Paul. Jack asked Janet to babysit Sage when he was called to work unexpectedly. Sage locked Janet in a closet and lied that Janet had slapped her. Carly told Jack she didn't want Janet anywhere near Sage from that point on, but Jack insisted Janet would not have hit Sage. Bonnie helped Carly file for an emergency custody hearing and restraining order. Janet offered to stay away from Sage or call off the wedding, but Jack refused and told Carly if she wanted a fight, he would win it. Luke and Casey were expelled for rigging the election after the Dean interviewed Noah about Luke's role in the election. Luke was extremely angry that Noah didn't lie for him, since Luke had lied for Noah in the past. Noah moved out, and later, Luke started drinking again. Brian managed to get Lucinda and Lily together, and Lucinda admitted her cancer had returned. Lily told her mother that she would be there to help her get through it. When Kim told Brad and Katie it was too soon to put them back on the air because of the cloud of suspicion hanging over Brad, they went to Chicago to try to break into a larger television market. While there, Brad spotted Spencer, very much alive.
November 17 to 21, 2008
Henry located Spencer's brother. When Brad went to confront him, the man said he wasn't Spencer's brother, but was an actor who had been hired by a man to deliver a package to Spencer. Dani called Spencer and told her she'd better not let anyone else see her. Dani arrested Henry after she supposedly found evidence from Spencer's murder case in his hotel room; she then called someone and said she could keep Henry locked up as long as they needed her to. Paul and Meg found out they were having a girl, and Meg moved back to Fairwinds. Dusty and Josie flew to Tampa, where Josie sang the same karaoke song Jennifer had sung to Dusty, at the same hotel; they went up to Josie's room and kissed. Jack, Janet, and Carly prepared to do battle in a custody hearing. However, after Carly made it clear that her own relationship with Jack would be worse after the hearing, Sage finally admitted she had lied about Janet hitting her. Carly called off the hearing. Lucinda had another mastectomy, and Brian was by her side. Lucinda proposed to Brian. After Brian prepared and signed a prenuptial agreement, they were married in the hospital, with Lily and Holden as witnesses. Luke got drunk, and Noah rebuffed him. Brian saw Luke wandering around the streets and took him back to the farm, where an emotional Luke broke down. Brian comforted Luke and began kissing him; Luke broke off the kiss in shock. When Luke learned that Brian had married Lucinda, he confronted Brian, who claimed Luke had overreacted to and misinterpreted what had happened at the farm.
November 24 to 28, 2008
Emily went to see Daniel at Tom and Margo's house on Thanksgiving Day. Tom and Margo were very upset by Casey's news about his expulsion from college. Emily sympathized with Casey and kissed him. Alison saw the kiss, but Casey said it meant nothing, and told Emily to leave. Holden invited Noah to join the Snyders for Thanksgiving. Janet asked Carly to come, because Sage was unhappy without her mother. Lucinda and Brian joined the Snyder gathering at the farm. Luke secretly drank beer throughout the celebration and was rude to Brian. Jack and Janet announced they had set a wedding date for New Year's Eve. Meg and Paul announced they were having a girl and would name her Eliza. Katie and Brad went to Chicago and found where Spencer was living. They called Dani, who told them to go back to Oakdale while she handled things. Dani made a phone call to someone to tell them that Spencer's cover had been blown, and that it might be time for Spencer to die. Paul told Josie to finish the job he was paying her to do. Josie said she couldn't do it anymore, but Paul threatened to tell Dusty that Josie was a fake. Josie convinced Dusty she'd had a vision of Johnny shivering somewhere cold. Dusty's private investigator called with a lead that Johnny might be in Norway. Before Dusty's plane could take off, the PI called to say it looked like a false lead, and Dusty sent the plane on to Norway without him. Emily saw Paul trying to pay Josie for getting Dusty out of town and away from Meg. Paul warned Emily not to get in the way of his plans. Emily saw Dusty returning to his room at the Lakeview, and Dusty told her he thought Josie was scamming him.
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December 1 to 5, 2008
Dusty realized that Paul was behind Josie's act, and he went to Fairwinds to confront him. Paul admitted his involvement and pulled out a gun; Dusty wrestled it away from him. When Paul came after him with an axe, Dusty shot Paul in the chest. Dusty went to Bonnie for legal representation and got Derek to approach Meg on his behalf. Meg reluctantly met with Dusty, but didn't believe his version of the events. Dusty was arrested. Paul recovered from his wound and went home with Meg, where he had a vision of James. Luke got sick after a drinking binge and moved back home, not knowing that Lucinda and Brian had asked Lily if they could live there while Lucinda's house was being renovated. Luke told Noah about Brian's kiss, but Noah didn't believe him. Luke got drunk, and Alison got him to the hospital for an examination. Brian ran into them and took over, suggesting Luke sleep it off in Brian's room at the Lakeview. Luke found a letter from Brian's ex-wife and pocketed it. Jack had money problems when both Carly and Janet wanted large checks from him, Carly for J.J.'s new boarding school and Janet for her dream wedding. A dead body turned up in Brad's locker at work, and he was arrested for the murder of Spencer McKay. Katie pleaded with the mysterious computer correspondent to get Brad out of trouble. A limo arrived to pick up Katie, and in it was the elusive Craig Montgomery. Craig told Katie he could fix Brad's problems if Katie would be his alibi for the night Paul's car had been bombed. Katie agreed. The charges against Brad were dropped when Margo and Dani found Spencer in Chicago. Spencer got away. Dani celebrated with Craig, who cautioned her not to reveal their romantic relationship. Craig went to see Margo and summoned Katie as his alibi; Margo was forced to drop the charges against him.
December 8 to 12, 2008
Alison had to care for Mark Vero when he was admitted to the hospital with a possible drug overdose; Mark wandered away and went to the roof of the hospital, where Casey talked to him and prevented him from jumping. Emily refused to help Dusty prove his claim of self-defense against Paul. Craig overheard Emily and Paul discussing Josie. Craig helped get Dusty out of jail by bringing Josie back to town. Josie went to Meg and told her that Paul had hired her to lead Dusty on a wild goose chase. Meg confronted Paul, who broke down and admitted it. Paul told Margo he had gone after Dusty with an axe, which supported Dusty's claim of self-defense, so Margo let Dusty go. Meg told Paul she wanted a divorce. Jack tried to take out a second mortgage to finance his wedding to Janet, but the bank turned him down. Parker forged Carly's signature on a $20,000 check from his trust fund to pay for the wedding, but he was found out. Lily offered the use of her home for the wedding, and Carly somehow ended up agreeing to make changes to one of Janet's dresses so that Janet could wear it as a wedding dress. Katie and Vienna threw Janet a surprise bachelorette party at Metro, and Carly got drunk watching the "fun." Carly found Jack at his bachelor party at Yo's, and he ended up taking her home because she was too drunk to drive. When Janet picked up her dress, she lectured Carly about staying away from Jack after the wedding. Brian got drunk at Jack's bachelor party, and Luke drove him home, where Brian became affectionate again. Jack and Janet got married.
December 15 to 19, 2008
Carly and Brad each figured out that Dani was involved with Craig. Craig told Dani it was time for her to leave town. Craig convinced Brad that Katie would go to jail, too, if Brad told the police about Craig's role in Spencer's faked death. Paul had visions of James and followed his suggestion of attempting suicide in order to win Meg back. Meg found Paul but went into labor while trying to revive him. Dusty came to Meg's rescue and got her to the hospital in time to deliver her premature but healthy baby, Eliza. Paul was taken to the hospital, where he was convinced Josie was his dead sister, Jennifer. Paul realized his baby had been born and went to Meg's room. Meg let Paul hold Eliza, but when Paul told Meg he'd seen Jennifer, Meg became concerned. Barbara had Paul committed for 72 hours for a mental health evaluation. Brian admitted to Luke that he had indeed made a pass at him, but he insisted he wasn't gay. Derek met Lily and mistook her for Rose. When Derek revealed that he and Rose had had a relationship 20 years earlier, Lily wondered whether Derek could be Jade's father. Derek thought it wasn't likely. Jade returned to Oakdale and told Luke she needed cash to disappear because she was wanted in Florida for armed robbery, although Jade said she had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Luke called Lily, who brought Bonnie to see Jade and convinced her to turn herself in to the police. The police put Jade in jail because she was a flight risk. Derek reluctantly agreed to try to help Jade by searching for the man who had actually committed the armed robbery.
December 22 to 26, 2008
Maddie returned to Oakdale and tried to win Casey back, but he wanted to take things slowly. Noah and Luke reunited. Luke saw the bond between Maddie and Noah was still there, but Noah assured Luke that Luke was who he wanted to be with. Vienna discovered that Henry had written a book, "The Man From Oakdale," and took it to Lucinda, asking her to publish it. Later, they found out that Henry already had a book publisher. Lucinda continued trying to get Brian to consummate their marriage. Derek located Robby Sanchez, the young man who committed the armed robbery for which Jade was being held, and took him to the Oakdale police, who then let Jade go. Jade realized that Lily thought Derek was her father. Dusty brought Meg and baby Eliza home to the Snyder farm, where Janet tried to keep the peace after Craig and Carly arrived to drop off presents. Lucy returned to Oakdale with five-year-old Johnny and got in touch with Alison. Lucy told Alison that Johnny had a rare blood disease and needed a bone marrow transplant. Since the best chance for a match was a relative, Alison agreed to help Lucy by testing as many of Johnny's relatives as she could. Using a cover story of a friend with a sick daughter, Alison arranged to test several potential donors. Kim offered to do a TV story on the sick child, and Alison had to agree. When Alison went to test Paul at the hospital, he had a sudden feeling that Johnny was in danger. Later, while Josie was visiting him and pretending to be Jennifer, Paul had another vision and told Josie that Johnny was someplace with "airplanes and parachutes." Meanwhile, Johnny played at the Lakeview with the new airplanes and parachutes jigsaw puzzle that Alison had given him as a Christmas present.
December 29, 2008 to January 2, 2009
On New Year's Eve, Casey discovered Alison had a room at the Lakeview. To keep Casey from finding out it was actually Lucy's room, Alison made up a story about having gotten the room in case she and Casey wanted to use it that night. Casey tried to take advantage of the situation by becoming amorous with Alison, but Alison put the brakes on before they went too far. Maddie heard enough through the hotel room door to realize Casey had stood her up to be with Alison, and she ran to Noah for comfort. Lucinda couldn't get Brian to consummate their marriage, and Luke taunted Brian, even kissing him in Old Town, where both Noah and Jade saw what was happening. Noah pulled Brian away from Luke and punched him. Luke later confessed that he had initiated the kiss, not Brian, because he'd been jealous of Noah and Maddie. Craig gave his car to Parker when Parker moped about not getting to drive. Carly and Jack were livid when they found out, because Parker had just gotten his license, and although Craig hadn't realized it, some of the roads were icy. Paul's visions of Johnny helped Josie recognize Johnny and Lucy when she ran into them in Old Town. After checking a staff directory at the hospital to be sure it was Lucy, Josie told Dusty she knew where Johnny was. Dusty found Alison at the Lakeview and berated her until she let him see Johnny. Lucy found out that Katie was a match for Johnny and could be a bone marrow donor; she shocked Katie by showing up at WOAK, where she explained what was going on and begged Katie for her cooperation in keeping Craig from finding out. Lucy returned to the hotel to get Johnny, only to find an irate Dusty waiting for her. Together, Dusty and Lucy left to take Johnny to the hospital.
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