Intern at Forrester Creations
Pathways, transitional housing for kids that age out of the foster care system, Whittier, CA
Single/Never Been Married
None known
unknown mother (presumed dead)
several foster parents
None known
Rick Forrester (flirtation)
Accused of stealing Forrester designs for Jackie M [2011]
None known
Named for Beverly Hills before being placed in foster care, Beverly was a friend of the formerly homeless Dayzee Leigh. Stephanie Forrester, who befriended Dayzee on the street, was impressed with Beverly's determination to make something of herself and convinced her family to hire Beverly as an intern at Forrester Creations. Beverly innocently took photos of Forrester gowns and was caught by Hope Logan; when the dresses showed up on competitor Jackie M's runway, Beverly was accused of selling their collection.
Beverly took a bus with Dayzee, which Stephanie stood in front of to stop. Beverly ran into an apartment complex, which Dayzee explained was transitional housing for kids who had aged out of the foster care system. Beverly responded to Stephanie's apology for falsely accusing her and relaying her own experience as an abused child by introducing Stephanie and Hope to other residents of the home.
Beverly found herself intrigued by Hope's brother, Rick Forrester, and held her own when Rick's jealous ex-wife, Amber Moore, told Beverly to stay away. Beverly hung a banner with other members of the staff for a Forrester event but has not been seen or mentioned since; her last name was never mentioned.
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